Daniel Gibson wrote:

> Am 21.05.2011 01:34, schrieb Andrej Mitrovic:
>> What's there to configuring visual studio? You just open a solution
>> file and hit compile. If there are any dependencies you usually
>> download the libs and put them in some subfolder.
> I don't have much experience with visual studio, but I've read that
> using a project from one version in another (newer) version may not
> always be painless, e.g.
> http://twitter.com/#!/ID_AA_Carmack/status/45616436995039232

Going from one version of a *solution* to the next usually just works. I 
expect tech5 to be somewhat more complex though. What usually doesn't work 
is going from one compiler version to the next, at least for C++. 'Managed' 
.Net is a different story.
> And how well do projects from a professional version work in the free
> (Visual Studio Express) version?

That should work, the professional version is mostly about extra ide 
features, the basics and the toolchain is exactly the same.
>> At least that's my experience.
>> Now compare that to having to follow that gigantic tutorial for
>> compiling GDC using msys.

That's not really a fair comparison, GDC is very complex. There are also a 
lot of OSS projects which are much less arcane than what GNU usually does. 
Windows has it's share of complex build setups too, I believe the visual 
studio shell is such an example. I generally also find the boatloads of 
msbuild / nant xml scripts to be pretty incomprehensible when you need to 
work with them if something doesn't work. 

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