On 5/21/2011 1:47 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sat, 2011-05-21 at 01:23 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
[ . . . ]

I gave up again on using Unix to play music. I got tired of continually having
to reboot the machine to get it unhung.

Music plays just fine on Linux.  It also plays fine on Apple's brand of
Unix.  I haven't tried on Solaris recently.

Rhythmbox, the default music player on Ubuntu, does not. Oh, it'll work for a while, maybe a day or two, and then it'll freeze up. A reboot will revive it for a while, and then it'll corrupt its database, which has to be deleted and rebuilt.

Oh, and if you add some files to your shared music directory on your lan, just try to get Rhythmbox to rescan it and add the new files. Just try. Bah.

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