> Timon Gehr:
>> Nice, but isSpinnable is always checked twice with your approach.
> Right. But isn't the compiler able to optimize away this inefficiency?

Nope. You don't get a guarantee from the language that your code will be 
in a certain way.
That said, dmd/gdc are _not_ able to do it sensibly for the most trivial case:

if(x) writeln("x");
if(!x) writeln("!x");

results in the following when compiled with dmd -O -release -inline.

cmp     dword ptr [ebp-8], 0                         ; first check
jz      short loc_8096042                            ; first check
push    dword ptr ds:_TMP1+4
push    dword ptr ds:_TMP1
call    _D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv

cmp     dword ptr [ebp-8], 0                         ; second check
jnz     short loc_8096059                            ; second check
push    dword ptr ds:_TMP2+4
push    dword ptr ds:_TMP2
call    _D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv

; function epilogue comes here.

With gdmd -O -release -inline:

mov     ecx, [esp+20h+var_4]                         ; first check
test    ecx, ecx                                     ; first check
jnz     short loc_804AE98                            ; first check
mov     [esp+20h+var_20], 2
mov     [esp+20h+var_1C], offset unk_80A3448 ;"!x"
call    _D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv

; function epilogue comes here

mov     [esp+20h+var_20], 1
mov     [esp+20h+var_1C], offset asc_80A3446 ; "x"
call    _D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv
mov     edx, [esp+20h+var_4]                        ; second check (nonsense)
test    edx, edx                                    ; second check (nonsense)
jz      short loc_804AE7D                           ; second check (nonsense)

; function epilogue comes here

This is _really_ silly oO. gdc was almost there. It clearly had to understand 
x and !x are mutually exclusive to generate such code (it _reordered_ the two
checks =DD), but then it created 3 totally nonsensical instructions for a 
redundant second check nevertheless. It still gets some credit for duplicating 
function epilogue instead of adding another jump.

Compilers are not magical, they are stupid programs that cannot replace your
insight. ;)

>> I would like an explicit "static foreach" better though.
> See:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4085
> Bye,
> bearophile

Thanks for the information. I already suspected it to be a matter of 


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