Seriously. You have a problem with something D-related? D-people are 
helpful, friendly and articulate.

By contrast, I once again tried to get TortoiseHg/hg-git working with 
github. TortoiseHg's homepage has a big prominent "download latest installer 
for your OS" button (but worded better than that ;) ). It includes hg-git, 
mercurial, dulwich, all the requirements built right in with a nice 
installer. Great, right? Except a simple "clone from github, modify, commit, 
push" didn't work (just like it never did before). This time it was a little 
bit different, though. Something about not being "head", and something else 
about bookmarks. Blah, blah, etc.

That's all fine, of course. I can understand bugs getting in now and then, 
and even taking a little while to get sorted out, especially on a big major 
OSS project. So I filed a bug report.

Now here's where the D world really shines: If this had been within the D 
sphere of influence, the response would most likely have been helpful, 
meaningful, friendly, you know, *good*. But with this, the response I got 
was three lower-cased, non-punctuated words: "update your extensions" 
...WTF? Yea, way to be helpful. Thanks for nothing. At least it wasn't 
"RTFM" - whoever coinded that one seriously needs to be shot.

But from my (admittedly still limited) experience, that sort of thing seems 
to be typical of places like BitBucket and Launchpad (I've had worse on 
Launchpad before, regarding Ubuntu: Ubuntu has a long-standing tradition of 
screwing up the screen resolution if you boot with your monitor off. But 
instead of doing anything sensible about it, like, say, marking it as 
Triaged at Low Priority and accepting that the problem even exists, it works 
like this: You post on the existing open report for it, and they scold you 
for using custom drivers. You point out that you get the same problem 
*without* using the custom drivers, and they insist you need to open a new 
report "because your configuration is different than the OP". Ok, but 
there's about ten other reports (from other people who also had a different 
configuration) that did *exactly that*, which were promptly closed for being 
duplicates. WTF?!?)

Anyway, I don't actually care about this issue anymore, and I'm not posting 
here looking for help on it. I dislike Git/TortoiseGit, but at least I can 
get by with them, whereas I've pretty much concluded at this point that 
hg-git just isn't worth bothering with.

But the point is, I really appreciate how awesome the D community is 
compared to so many others.

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