My only problem with github is its extremely slow code display.
Opening up a larger module such as std.algorithm freezes firefox for a
good couple of seconds (ok, maybe firefox is to blame for not running
tabs concurrently or something), and scrolling is terribly slow too. I
could make some coffee while std.datetime opens.. And I'm running a
quad-core with 3 Gigs of RAM <rolleyes>.

And then they say the desktop is dead. With this performance.. I don't think so.

Also +1 on the great community. Maybe it's because we're a small
community so we tend to help each other more often. It's kind of like
the difference between living in a large metropolis and a small
village. I used to live in the latter for about a year or so when I
was restoring my apartment, and nearly everyone that passes next to me
said hello, and asked me about my day. It was very cozy living there.

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