
> I'd love to see more evidence to this claim.

Right :-)

> Interesting work became possible after it became clear 
> to everyone that the language is now given, so it's time to use what's 
> there.

If you want to build stable large frameworks and libraries then having a 
"stable" (backwards compatible) language helps. But in this thread we are only 
talking about additive changes. And C#/Python show abundant code written even 
while C# was adding generics, dynamic, named arguments, and many other things 
(and C#5 will add more things), and the same has happened to Python too, since 
several years. Python is just out of a design hiatus meant to help other Python 
implementations catch up, and now new design ideas are discussed again. In D 
syntax sugar for tuple unpacking is useful for library programmers too.


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