Den 19-06-2011 11:08, Johannes Pfau skrev:
jdrewsen wrote:

    I've finally got through all the very constructive comments from
last review of the curl wrapper and performed the needed changes.

Here is the github branch:

And the generated docs:

I do have some problems getting ddoc to show the documentation of
mixins. So in order to view the doc for byLine/byChunk methods you
have to look at the source.

That's bad because lots of useful stuff hides in the protocol mixin.
The url property for example is essential for keep-alive requests, but
it doesn't show up in the documentation :-(

I agree. And also in the ByLineAsync etc. mixins. I would very much like to get a hint on how to do it if anyone knows.

Also, a keep alive example would be great:
auto client = Http("";);
client.addHeader("User-Agent", "Android API Connector");
client.addHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
client.method =;
client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { write(cast(char[])data); return
data.length; };
client.postData = "p=android&v=1.05";

//2nd request
client.url = "";;
client.method = Http.Method.get;
Maybe something like this. (+points if the code uses existing

I'll include that. And I need a "header(key, value)" parameter on Http.(Async)Result as well. That way your example could be written:

auto r ="";,
                   .header("User-Agent", "Android API Connector")
                   .header("Connection", "Keep-Alive"));

BTW: The curl verbose output is great. I guess it won't
be activated in phobos by default, but is it possible to activate it
manually? If so, this very useful feature should be documented.

Yes - verbose should be made in a property by itself.

Thank you for the comments!

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