Den 19-06-2011 17:43, Johannes Pfau skrev:
jdrewsen wrote:
Den 19-06-2011 11:08, Johannes Pfau skrev:
jdrewsen wrote:

     I've finally got through all the very constructive comments from
last review of the curl wrapper and performed the needed changes.

Here is the github branch:

And the generated docs:

I do have some problems getting ddoc to show the documentation of
mixins. So in order to view the doc for byLine/byChunk methods you
have to look at the source.

That's bad because lots of useful stuff hides in the protocol mixin.
The url property for example is essential for keep-alive requests,
but it doesn't show up in the documentation :-(

I agree. And also in the ByLineAsync etc. mixins. I would very much
like to get a hint on how to do it if anyone knows.

Also, a keep alive example would be great:
auto client =
client.addHeader("User-Agent", "Android API Connector");
client.addHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); client.method =; client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
{ write(cast(char[])data); return data.length; };
client.postData = "p=android&v=1.05";

//2nd request
client.url = "";;
client.method = Http.Method.get;
Maybe something like this. (+points if the code uses existing

I'll include that.
Feel free to use this example, but please note that the vevo api is not
public, so it could break any time.

And I need a "header(key, value)" parameter on
Http.(Async)Result as well. That way your example could be written:

auto r ="";,
                    .header("User-Agent", "Android API Connector")
                    .header("Connection", "Keep-Alive"));

Looks great, but I guess it won't help for keep-alive sessions? Or is
it possible to reuse the Curl client with the static methods?

Not in the linked version. But is it a nice idea that I'm working on now.

I also found another small problem related to keep-alive:
How can I change a header that's been added with addHeader? I have to
reuse the client to use keep-alive, however calling addHeader with the
same key again just appends the header, but it doesn't replace it. An
easy solution is to expose a clearHeader function, but this means if the
user wants to change 1 header all other headers must be set
again. It seems the curl api is too limited to do something more
advanced though. Having a D associative array for the headers might be
possible, but then it has to be converted for curl in every request.

I'm actually storing a curl_slist to keep the headers. This makes it possible to manipulate the headers as you request. I'll fix it so that you can change and remove individual headers.

BTW: The curl verbose output is great. I guess it won't
be activated in phobos by default, but is it possible to activate it
manually? If so, this very useful feature should be documented.

Yes - verbose should be made in a property by itself.

Thank you for the comments!

You're welcome!

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