On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:55:29 -0400, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

If such mountings are possible, it would seem that there must be some way to
check the sensitivity (otherwise the OS itself would probably crap out on

I've done it before, mounted a windows share on a linux box via cifs.

What happens is, everything thinks it's case sensitive (i.e. any user-space tools), but when you go to open a file, write a file, rename a file, the share performs as if it were case insensitive.

For example:

ls /mnt/winshare


find /mnt/winshare -name FILE.TXT

No files found

touch /mnt/winshare/FILE.TXT => updates date/time on File.txt

cat /mnt/winshare/FILE.TXT => outputs File.txt

So as long as you are performing operations *blindly*, the case insensitivity kicks in. For example, open a file without first searching for it. But if you start reading directories, tools have no idea it's on a case-insensitive filesystem.

Although, at least in the case of case-insensitive mountings on posix,
doesn't that mean such paths would have both case-sensitive and
case-insensitive parts?

Ex: /mount/damnWinDrive/dir/subdir

Wouldn't the "mount/damnWinDrive" part be case-sensitive and the
"dir/subdir" part be insensitve?

Yes, actually, this is a very good point. And there's no way for std.path to make that distinction.

(I'm starting to really despise case-insensitive filesystems.)

I've never understood why they have any benefits whatsoever. The only reason I can think of them having any use is legacy.


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