On 20.07.2011 19:36, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 14:51:06 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
It's definitely something to think about.  At the very least, I think
the default file system case sensitivity should be mapped to a certain
function.  It doesn't hurt to expose the opposite sensitivity as an
alternate (you need to implement both anyway).  A template with all
options defaulted for the current OS makes good sense I think.
Actually, expanding/renaming pathCharMatch provides a perfect way to
default these:

     enum defaultOSSensitivity = false;
     enum defaultOSDirSeps = `\/`;
else version(Posix)
     enum defaultOSSensitivity = true;
     enum defaultOSDirSeps = "/";

// replaces pathCharMatch
int pathCharCmp(bool caseSensitive = defaultOSSensitivity, string
dirseps = defaultOSDirSeps)(dchar a, dchar b);

int fcmp(alias pred = "pathCharCmp(a, b)", S1, S2)(S1 filename1, S2

Anyone who wants to do alternate comparisons is free to do so using
other options from pathCharCmp.

Good idea.  I'll probably implement something like that.

I like the direction that this is heading. If the idea gets extended to other functions as well, you won't have to reimplement std.path if you have to deal with posix paths on windows and vice versa, e.g. when transferring data containing paths between different systems.

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