On 11/08/11 09.49, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-08-11 09:41, Jonas Drewsen wrote:
On 11/08/11 09.07, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-08-10 21:55, jdrewsen wrote:
What is the status of DIP11


Has anyone started implementing it? Has it been rejected?


Not sure, personally I don't like it. Instead I'm working on a more
traditional package manager called Orbit:

Yes I've noticed that. Seems very promising.

What I do like about DIP11 is how seamless it would work. You just have
to compile and stuff works.


I think that DIP11 is too limited, for example, it doesn't deal with
versions. Orbit combined with a build tool will be seamless as well.
RDMD is a great tool but as soon as you need to add compiler flags or
compile a library you need either some kind of script or a build tool.
And in that case you can just go with the built tool and have it work on
all platforms.

Some refinements needs to be done to the DIP yes. One of them is version handling IMHO.


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