On 2011-08-11 23:30, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Jacob Carlborg"<d...@me.com>  wrote in message

Assuming that, you would still need to link with the libraries. I don't
know if pragma(lib, ""); could work but I don't like that pragma in
general. It's platform dependent

This works cross-platform:

pragma(lib, "LibNameWithoutExt");

Will that work with all available library types (static, dynamic) on all platforms?

And if you do need platform-specific, there's always version().

You do, since on Posix most library names are prefixed with "lib". DSSS/Rebuild did this very well with the pragma "link". It prefixed the library names depending on the platform.

and I'm not sure if it works for dynamic libraries. I don't think GDC
implements it.

A major downside of GDC, IMO.


/Jacob Carlborg

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