On 8/21/11 4:02 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"bearophile"<bearophileh...@lycos.com>  wrote in message

To this innocent-looking D code, do you see the problem?

void foo(Pair[] sol) {
    if (isSolution(sol[$-1]))
        if (!best.length || sol.length<  best.length)
            best = sol.dup;
        foreach (next; alternatives(sol[$-1]))
            if (!canFind(sol, next))
                foo(sol ~ [next]);

That's why I always use braces to avoid the construct "if(cond) stmt;
if(cond) stmt; else..."

There is a situation where I'd like D to require braces:

That's a fantastic idea.

Yah, it's pretty neat, and very much in the spirit of D. I'd missed it.


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