On 08/22/2011 09:19 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-08-22 21:08, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 8/21/11 6:03 PM, dsimcha wrote:
On 8/21/2011 6:35 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 8/21/11 1:19 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-08-21 17:30, Robert Clipsham wrote:
On 21/08/2011 16:05, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
This is for a serialization library where third party types need
to be
serializable. I don't like the idea of annotate everything that
be serializable.

You don't need to annotate it:

void serialize(T)(T something);

You have access to all the CT reflection stuff, and can generate the
necessary runtime reflection with that.

I already have a fully working serialization library. I'm hoping to
it better. The problem is when (de)serializing through a base class
reference. Currently you need to register the subclass with the
serializer. If T is Base and the actually runtime type is Sub it won't

If we get to the point where adding one line of code inside or
(preferably) outside a type to make it serializable, that would be


I've been playing with Jacob's code and we're already at that point.
Example (requires Jacob's Orange library to be installed):

import std.stdio, orange.serialization._,

class Base {
string baseString;

class Derived : Base {
string derivedString;

void main() {
auto archiver = new XMLArchive!char();
auto serializer = new Serializer(archiver);

auto derived = new Derived;
derived.baseString = "Base";
derived.derivedString = "Derived";

Base baseRef = derived;
auto serialized = serializer.serialize(baseRef);
auto baseRef2 = serializer.deserialize!(Base)(serialized);

enforce(baseRef2.classinfo is Derived.classinfo);
auto derived2 = cast(Derived) baseRef;
writeln(derived2.baseString, ' ', derived2.derivedString);

The registration is not even necessary if you're serializing a class
with a compile time type identical to its runtime type. Of course the
situation gets a little more complicated when classes have references to
other classes (you need to register everything that could be
transitively reachable) but it's still pretty good.

That's not how it should work. The line of code needs to be declarative,
not imperative. "I want this class to be serializable" as opposed to "I
want to serialize this class with this particular archiver".


You mean you want something like this:

class Derived : Base
mixin serializable;

Instead of:


The only way I can think of how this could work is to store a global
list of the serializable classes. Any other suggestion how this would
work? Note that all this wouldn't be necessary if my original post was

I think that you maybe register too late in the process?

> auto archiver = new XMLArchive!char();
> auto serializer = new Serializer(archiver);
> serializer.register!Derived();

If it works that way, you have to register every class anew if you want to serialize it with another archiver, right?

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