On 8/30/11 3:34 PM, Marco Leise wrote:
Am 30.08.2011, 20:48 Uhr, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

On 8/30/11 1:10 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
std.file.copy is synchronous. Would the suggestion then be to change
it to be
asynchronous or to create a second function (e.g. copyAsync) which
does an
asynchrous copy?

I think std.file.copy should do whatever the heck is best to copy a
file. As such, it should be transparently asynchronous. It would be
great if such a task caught your fancy - and don't forget to test
speed under a few circumstances.


I expect the performance to degrade if you copy asynchronously on a
single HDD, since more seeking is involved.

Why would more seeking be involved?


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