On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 07:40:01 +0100, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2011-10-06 21:44, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Regan Heath Wrote:

That's just it however, I am not generous enough with my time to be of use to you/D/phobos. I spend my free time doing other things, and not working
on the code I have which could be of use.  I suspect there are quite a
number of people out there who are just like me.  People who have some
code which may be of use, in varying degrees of completeness from just an
idea to a pretty much complete re-usable library which just needs the
final touches etc.

The problem is as you say, there are many out there like you. Even if some people take the rule of getting these polished, they couldn't keep up. Finding these people his hard.

Even if we just get one contribution to Phobos through this method it would be better than nothing.

Exactly. The people taking ideas from the pool don't have to keep up, they just need to be someone with the time/inclination to "complete" something/anything worthy of inclusion into phobos. All the pool does is give them a leg-up or provide the technical know-how/guts they might be missing. It would be something like dsource, but for code ranging from snippets to complete packages, and would have to be well organised, or at least searchable and rely on contributors including as much info about thier snippets etc as they can. But, that's a nice small investment for someone, especially if we make it easy to contribute the code, agree to a license and add info about it which is then searchable. I realise setting something like this up is no small amount of work, and that I'm in no position to do it, but it seems on the face of it to be a good idea.

The pool would serve double duty, as it would supply code examples/snippets to people learning D also, or anyone looking for examples of how to do .. well, anything that gets contributed. Each of us probably has a collection of D code on our own HDDs somewhere which does interesting and useful things, but no-one else can see it, search it, or learn from it. I'm simply suggesting we put it somewhere to share. At it's most basic it could just be a wiki page, which we let google index for us.

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