On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 17:23:17 -0400, Daniel Gibson <metalcae...@gmail.com> wrote:
Am 21.10.2011 21:07, schrieb Vladimir Panteleev:

Igor Stepanov has created a patch for DMD and Druntime which adds RTTI
information for class and struct members.


import std.stdio;

class Foo
static void PrintHello()
void main()
auto info = cast(OffsetTypeInfo_StaticMethod)Foo.classinfo.m_offTi[0];
assert(info.name == "PrintHello");
auto print = cast(void function())info.pointer;
print(); //prints "Hello"

While the inclusion of such functionality into the language remains a
disputed matter, would anyone be interested in an unofficial patch for

Walter: would it be okay if the compiler changes were published as a
GitHub fork, or should we stick to patches?

I'd love to see proper runtime reflection support in D, including
functionality to get information about available methods (their name and
parameters) and a way to call them.

What do you mean by their 'parameters'? What about overloads? Attributes? 
Arguments? Argument attributes?

Something that is close to what Java offers would be great.

And what, exactly does JAVA offer? What works? What doesn't work? What's 

BTW: I don't really see the problem with providing this information
(overhead-wise) - the information needs to be available once per
class/struct, but objects of classes just need one pointer to it (other
types don't even need that because they're not polymorphic and - like
methods of structs - the address of the information is known at

1) Unused information is simply bloat: it increases exe size, slows the exe 
down and increases the runtime memory footprint.
2) On a lot of systems (i.e. consoles, embedded, smart phones, tablets) memory 
and disk space are both highly constrained resources that you don't want to 
3) RTTI provides a back-door into a code-base; one that for many reasons you 
may want to keep closed.

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