On 02.11.2011 11:00, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
On 02-11-2011 11:07, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
02.11.2011 8:23, Caligo пишет:
I just found out that Bitbucket finally offers Git support. I wonder,
would anyone else like to see GDC switch to Git? I would like to kindly
make a request because it would make things little easier.

What things? I see, that every one switches to Git, but what the
purpose? I don't have a deep knowledge about DVCS-s, but I'm really
interested in what Git functionality is missing in Hg for you?

Is it:
* discarding previously pulled branches;
* pruning old revision data from the local repository;
* unlimited number of parent revisions during a merge;
* rebasing;
* infinite power of `git-push --force`?

Only the first one looks good for me, but the last one scares me because
you can loose the remote repository (and I really sow it frightens
people). Others are looking seldom applicable.

So why does Git advantages worth:
* Git complexity (in comparison with Hg);
* ability to loose the remote repository;
* lack of file rename/copy support;
* periodic maintenance with git-gc?

I don't hate Git. I just don't understand the current opinion and would
be glad if someone will base is for me, TIA.

Minor correction: Git does have rename/move support; see git mv. I do
not see why a VCS needs to be copy-aware.

I generally point people to http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/ when they
ask why Git is great, though personally these are the features I like:

Why point people there? That's a dreadful page! Here are his arguments:
*cheap local branching. OK.
*everything is local. INVALID. This applies to any DVCS.
*git is fast. INVALID. Not true on Windows, and the timing data is obsolete (the other systems have caught up). *git is small. INVALID. This is obsolete data (the other systems have caught up).
*the staging area. OK.
*distributed. INVALID. This applies to any DVCS.
*any workflow. Maybe. Though other DVCS's are pretty flexible.
*github. OK.

and then he finishes with:
*easy to learn
What is that guy smoking?????

That page is really, really bad publicity for git. They should update it, or take it down.

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