dsimcha wrote:
>Now that we've got a lot of contributors to Phobos and many projects
>in the works, I decided to start a thread to help us make a rough plan
>for Phobos's short-to-medium term development.  There are three goals
>1.  Determine what's next in the review queue after std.csv (voting on 
>std.csv ends tonight, so **please vote**).
>2.  Come up with a wish list of high-priority modules that Phobos is 
>missing that would make D a substantially more attractive language
>than it is now.
>3.  Figure out who's already working on what from the wish list and
>what bottlenecks, if any, are getting in the way and what can be done
>about them.
>The following is the wish list as I see it.  Please suggest additions 
>and correct any errors, as this is mostly off the top of my head.
>Also, status updates if you're working on any of these and anything 
>substantial has changed would be appreciated.
>*  Some higher level networking support, such as HTTP, FTP, etc.
>(Jonas Drewsen's CURL wrapper handles a lot of this and may be ready
>for a second round of review.)
>*  Serialization.  (Jacob Carolberg's Orange library might be a good 
>candidate.  IIRC he said it's close to ready for review.)
>*  Encryption and hashing.  (This is more an implementation problem
>than a design problem and AFAIK noone is working on it.)
>*  Containers.  (AFAIK noone is working on this.  It's tough to get 
>started because, despite lots of discussion at various times on this 
>forum, noone seems to really know what they want.  Since the
>containers in question are well-known, it's much more a design problem
>than an implementation problem.)
>*  Allocators.  (I think Phobos desperately needs a segmented 
>stack/region based allocator and I've written one.  I've also tried to 
>define a generic allocator API, mostly following Andrei's suggestions, 
>but I'll admit that I didn't really know what I was doing for the 
>general API.  Andrei has suggested that allocators should have 
>real-world testing on containers before being included in Phobos. 
>Therefore, containers block allocators and if the same person doesn't 
>write both, there will be a lot of communication overhead to make sure 
>the designs are in sync.)
>*  Streams.  (Another item where the bottleneck is mostly at the
>design level and people not really knowing what they want.)
>*  Compression/archiving.  (Opening standard compressed/archived file 
>formats needs to just work.  This includes at least zip, gzip, tar and 
>bzip2.  Of course, zip already is available and gzip is supported by
>the zlib module but with a crufty C API.  At least gzip and bzip2,
>which are stream-based as opposed to file-based, should be handled via
>streams, which means that streams block compression/archiving.  Also,
>since tar and zip are both file based, they should probably be handled
>by the same API, which might mean deprecating std.zip and rewriting

AFAIK almost all compression (and encryption) algorithms work like
streams. The directory structure is often simply added on top of the
streaming functionality (at least true for all .tar.* formats).

BTW: The unfinished stream API blocks lots of projects: Encryption,
Compression, the curl wrapper could be integrated with streams, http
servers and almost everything else related to I/O.

>*  An improved std.xml.  (I think Thomas Sowinski is working on a 
>replacement, but I haven't seen any updates in a long time.)
>*  Matrices and linear algebra.  (Cristi Cobzarenco's GSoC project is
>a good starting point but it needs polish.  I've been in contact with
>him occasionally since GSoC ended and he indicated that he wants to
>get back to working on it but doesn't have time.  I've contributed to
>it sparingly, but find it difficult because I haven't gotten around to 
>familiarizing myself with the implementation details yet, and it's
>hard to get into a project that complex with a few hours a week as
>opposed to focusing full time on it.)
>*  std.database.  (Apparently Steve Teale is working on this.  This is
>a large, complicated project because we're trying to define a common
>API for a variety of RDBMSs.  Again, it's more a design problem than
>an implementation problem.)
>*  Better support for creating processes/new std.process.  (Lars 
>Kyllingstad wrote a replacement candidate for Posix and Steve 
>Schveighoffer ported it to Windows, but issues with the DMC runtime 
>prevent it from working on Windows.)
>*  Parallel algorithms.  (I've implemented a decent amount of these in 
>my std.parallel_algorithm Github project, but I've become somewhat 
>frustrated and unmotivated to finish this project because so many of
>the relevant algorithms seem memory bandwidth bound and aren't
>substantially faster when parallelized than when run serially.)

Inter-process communication, but as we have thrift now, that might be
ok. (Extending std.concurrency message passing to interprocess
communication with a low overhead serializer like messagepack would
still be great though)

Logging: AFAIK the new log module should be almost ready. I already
used it a few times, but you have to a patch druntime to use

High performance IO: A reactor / proactor framework

A replacement for std.json

>After writing this, the general pattern I notice is that lots of stuff 
>is blocked by design, not implementation.  In a lot of cases people 
>don't really know what they want and analysis paralysis results.

Johannes Pfau

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