On 2011-11-20 04:02, dsimcha wrote:
Now that we've got a lot of contributors to Phobos and many projects in
the works, I decided to start a thread to help us make a rough plan for
Phobos's short-to-medium term development. There are three goals here:

1. Determine what's next in the review queue after std.csv (voting on
std.csv ends tonight, so **please vote**).

Isn't it better to add a list on the wiki so we don't have to do this all over yet again.

2. Come up with a wish list of high-priority modules that Phobos is
missing that would make D a substantially more attractive language than
it is now.

I would really like to see high level networking support, something like the CURL wrapper.

* Serialization. (Jacob Carolberg's Orange library might be a good
candidate. IIRC he said it's close to ready for review.)

This is ready for (pre-)review and have been that for quite a while now.

* Better support for creating processes/new std.process. (Lars
Kyllingstad wrote a replacement candidate for Posix and Steve
Schveighoffer ported it to Windows, but issues with the DMC runtime
prevent it from working on Windows.)

Wasn't there a fix for the DMC runtime? In that case, why isn't it already applied?

/Jacob Carlborg

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