On Fri, 09 Dec 2011 06:26:27 +0200, Robert Jacques <sandf...@jhu.edu> wrote:

So it clashes with another thing about D, pragmatism.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.

It was/is one of the defining points of D AFAIK.
More than being theoretical it chose to be pragmatic, to solve the problems we face day to day. For the case at hand; Say uninitialized variables in C are undefined but all the compilers do the same thing that makes it in practice defined. So the below line should execute same on all compilers.

        type a;

Same applies to the extensions supported in all major compilers which is absent in language spec.
If compilers don't support, they can't sell.

To the point. If you want to keep B-D rule with the presence of such big design mistakes (C), you are not being pragmatic at all.

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