On 2011-12-10 23:32, J Arrizza wrote:
A few other potential twists.

- the installation step needs to be portable int that can install the
variant build artifacts into non-standard file system locations. For
example, the build artifacts for the windows build and the build
artifacts for the linux build need to end up in separate directories and
the Debug and Release builds need to end up in separate
directories. Another example is a Build server building multiple projects.

- the package system itself needs to be portable in that it can be
installed in any directory. For example, if I want to source control the
entire package system then it would not be in a standard file-system
location. Also it implies there may be multiple installations of the
package system since I can have multiple branches.

For regulated industries that require the ability to recreate the
software environment for any released binary image, both of these would
be a terrific help for doing that.


Currently by default the package manager installs everything in (on Posix) /usr/local/orbit/orbs. It's possible to override this using the environment variable "ORB_HOME", if this variables is used packages will be install into $ORB_HOME/orbs.

/Jacob Carlborg

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