Le 04/01/2012 15:23, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
On 1/4/12 2:36 AM, Manu wrote:
Regardless, I'd like to put a strong +1 towards proper multiple return
values. The point is NOT just to have the syntactical feature (ie.
struct return value semantics via tuples). The point is a language
guarantee that the architecture will do its best job to return each
value in consecutive registers OF ITS OWN TYPE, avoiding
allocation&writing to the stack. This is a common problem in C where the
only solution is to make functions inline or pay the cost of hitting the
stack (LHS hazard, very expensive on many RISC architectures).
It would lead to many optimisations in lots of code in my experience.

Why make those optimizations only for multiple return values and not for
every single returned structure?


I do agree with Andrei. Those are 2 orthogonals problems. The optimization problem is clearly something that can be improved in D ABI. Then, returning a tuple could be improved using thoses rules.

The multiple retur value problem is syntaxic sugar. It may be interesting, but not #1 priority.

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