Andrew Wiley wrote:
You're pointing out two completely different things here. C#
PascalCases methods and D camelCases them. That's a completely
seperate issue from the actual names.

I think you're reading too much into what I wrote, I wasn't talking about the case or modules vs static methods. I'm simply using C#'s libraries as an example of what's easier to understand from and basic English perspective. I could have wrote: "import system.console : writeLine" or "import : writeLine" the point is those are less cryptic (initially) than "import std.stdio : writeln", etc...

I'm perfectly fine with how D's libraries are worded personally, and my points here are very minor.

As for the names, you'll find they relate more to C and C++ libraries than to Java and C#, which I would argue is a good thing because the design ideals are closer to C and C++.

Sure, I've written some C++ programs in the past so I get the nostalgia, but first impression make a difference and not every potential D programmer is going to have a background in C. Nor should they need to, and that's my only argument here.

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