Brad Anderson Wrote:

> Recently there has been explosion in bug closures.  This has had the
> unfortunate side effect of making it difficult to have a conversation in #d
> IRC with the bot constantly announcing these changes.  I humbly request
> that those responsible slow down this behavior to a more tolerable level so
> we can talk uninterrupted in the #d IRC channel.  I hate to call out
> someone by name but Walter in particular has been completely out of line
> with the volume of notifications he's been generating recently.
> I understand some people like bug closures and who am I to judge but there
> is a limit to what some of us can tolerate and it has been surpassed.

Couldn't agree more. I've even been forced to increase the scrollback buffer of 
my IRC client in order to not miss conversation pieces while just fetching 
coffee, which of course uses up more RAM, not to say the extra tear on my 
scroll wheel isn't concerning too. I'm very tempted to file a bug that D has a 
technical memory leak, indirectly, but still, it's a very real problem. I see 
no other way of fixing this except write-locking the git repos, right? Could 
anyone fix this? I guess a temporary workaround could be if poeple used shorter 
names for the bugs. Like instead of "(ice) glue.c (67) :  assert failed with 
exit code 78" perhaps just "assrt fail lol". Or hey, perhaps even insert some 
conversation starters, like "assrt fail, btw, a developer walked into a foo 
*eelface*", that would be really great for those awkward silent moments on the 
IRC. Let's work together on this people! okthxbye! 

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