On 13.02.2012 19:52, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 13.02.2012 08:45, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
I first started with a Windows message box program and installing an
IDE. I'm now using the VisualD plug-in with the Visual Studio 10 Shell,
after battling a bit with installation of service pack 1 for Visual
Studio. VisualD works, sort of, except the devs forgot that the resource
compiler needs an INCLUDE variable so that it finds <windows.h>, so,
silly as it is, the VisualD plugin can't be used directly as-is to
create a modern look and feel Windows program. I solved it by running
Visual Studio from the command line.

There is the global option "Resource includes" in
Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Visual D Directories.

Thanks. Checking it out now, I found it, and it was set to


where WindowsSdkDir is an environment variable that isn't defined by the SDK installation (so isn't present with normal start of Visual Studio), but is set by the common environment fix batch file.

However, adding the raw SDK include path to that option did not work, while running Visual Studio Shell from the command line (with the environment variables set properly) does work.


- Alf

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