On Monday, 27 February 2012 at 08:39:54 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
I keep bringing this issues, because I am a firm believer that when
people that fight against a GC are just fighting a lost battle.

Like back in the 80's people were fighting against Pascal or C versus
Assembly. Or in the 90' were fighting against C++ versus C.

Now C++ is even used for operating systems, BeOS, Mac OS X drivers,

It is not a fair analogy. Unlike MMM and GC, C++ can do everything C can do and has more sugar. What they are argue i think whether or not OO is a solution to everything and troubles with its implementation in C++.

Sure a systems programming language needs some form of manual memory management for "exceptional situations", but 90% of the time you will
be allocating either referenced counted or GCed memory.

What will you do when the major OS use a systems programming language like forces GC or reference counting on you do? Which is already slowly happening with GC and ARC on Mac OS X, WinRT on Windows 8, mainstream OS, as well as the Oberon, Spin, Mirage, Home, Inferno and Singularity research OSs.

Create your own language to allow you to live in the past?

People that refuse to adapt to times stay behind, those who adapt, find ways to profit from the new reality.

But as I said before, that is my opinion and as a simple human is also prone to errors. Maybe my ideas regarding memory management in systems languages are plain wrong, the future will tell.


As i said in many threads regarding GC and MMM, it is not about this vs that. There should be no religious stances. Both have their strengths and failures. What every single discussion on this boils down to is some people downplay the failures of their religion :)

And that staying behind thing is something i never understand!
It is a hype, it is marketing! To sell you a product that doesn't deserve half its price!

Religion/Irrationality has no place in what we do. Show me a better tool, "convince me" it is better and i will be using that tool. I don't give a damn if it is D or vim i am leaving behind.

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