On 03/02/2012 06:03 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> On Friday, 2 March 2012 at 13:33:17 UTC, Kevin Cox wrote:
>> After learning and using D for a little while I have discovered some
>> (in my
>> opinion) problems with the slices and associative array built-ins (for
>> now
>> I will just say slice). The main issue I have is that there is no way to
>> pass around something that looks like and acts like a slice. This is
>> because there is no class or interface to which slices adhere. I think
>> this is a very simple concept and it could be easily remedied by creating
>> an Array interface which slices implement. This way you could create
>> things like lazy and asynchronously filled arrays.
>> [...]
>> In, conclusion. (Tl:Dr) slices and AAs do not allow polymorphism and
>> therefore are decreasing the power and flexibility of D.

inputRangeObject() and outputRangeObject() functions return polymorphic interfaces in the form of InputRangeObject and OutputRangeObject.

>> I hope to hear your opinions,
>> Kevin.
> D is not purely object oriented and must provide primitives the meet or
> exceed C.
> The style for D code also tends to templates and meta programming.
> Ranges[1] fit nicely to this and the idea of slicing.
> 1. http://dlang.org/phobos/std_range.html
> hmm bed time, no time for long explanations.

A shameless plug of a tutorial of mine:


That includes the following link to Andrei's paper:



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