On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 06:49:02PM +0100, so wrote:
> On Saturday, 10 March 2012 at 16:22:41 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >As for Win95 being unable to keep up with mouse movement... well, to
> >be honest I hated Win95 so much that 90% of the time I was in the DOS
> >prompt anyway, so I didn't even notice this. If it were truly a
> >problem, it's probably a sign of poor hardware interrupt handling
> >(interrupt handler is taking too long to process events). But I
> >haven't seen this myself either.
> Design of input handling, the theoretical part is irrelevant. I was
> solely talking about how they do it in practice. OSs are simply
> unresponsive and in linux it is more severe. If i am having this issue
> in practice it doesn't matter if it was the GC lock or an another
> failure to handle input.

Then you must be running a very different Linux from the one I use. In
my experience, it's Windows that's an order of magnitude less responsive
due to constant HD thrashing (esp. on bootup, and then periodically
thereafter) and too much eye-candy.

(Then again, I don't use graphics-heavy UIs... on Linux you can turn
most of it off, and I do, but on Windows you have no choice. So perhaps
it's more a measure of how I configured my system than anything else. I
tried doing this in Windows once, and let's just say that I'll never,
ever, even _dream_ of attempting it again, it was that painful.)


I'm still trying to find a pun for "punishment"...

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