On 05/04/2012 10:38 AM, Manu wrote:
So here's some problems.

I use 'const ref' to pass structs to functions (note: because 'in ref'
doesn't seem to work)
And I often need to return structs by ref too, but I'm having problems:

void test( const ref Thing x ) {} // this works fine. note, 'const ref'
works fine here (in lieu of 'in ref')

struct Thing { }
Thing thing;

const ref Thing func() { return gThing; }

This syntax complains, but it's precisely the same expression I use to
pass an argument in to a function, and it's fine there:
   remedy\modules\hud.d(35):Error: function remedy.hud.func without
'this' cannot be const/immutable

const ref Thing function() blah = &func;

It is not the same, because it is parsed like

const{ ref Thing func() { return gThing; }

I need to take a pointer to this function, but It complains when I
declare a 'function' of this type:
   remedy\modules\hud.d(36):Error: variable remedy.hud.blah only
parameters or foreach declarations can be ref   (... what? it works for

I try rearranging the syntax to make the first issue stop complaining:

ref const(Thing) func2() { return gThing; } // this seems to work now,
but i don't like the inconsistency...
ref const(Thing) function() blah2 = &func;

Error: variable remedy.hud.blah2 only parameters or foreach declarations
can be ref

This is parsed like

ref { const(Thing) function() blah2 = &func; }

i.e. it qualifies the variable instead of the type.

This should work:

const(Thing) function()ref blah2 = &func;

Except that it does not, because 'ref' is not currently a valid function 'storage class'. This seems to be an issue that deserves a bug report.

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