On Monday, 7 May 2012 at 07:26:44 UTC, Jens Mueller wrote:
Paulo Pinto wrote:
AST/symbol table manipulation is way faster than reparsing code.

People keep talking about D and Go compilation speed, while I was already enjoying such compile times back in 1990 with Turbo Pascal in computers much
less powerfull than my laptop.

But C and C++ with their 70's compiler technology, somehow won the
market share,
and then people started complaining about compilation speeds.

Adele Golberg, once wrote a paper telling how C made the compiler technology
regress several decades.

Do you happen to remember to exact title of that paper?


I'll try to find it, as I don't recall the title.

I just remember that it made some remarks how primitive C was in regard
to Algol toolchains.

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