On Monday, 7 May 2012 at 19:29:26 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Seriously though, I get what you are saying. Fortunately, we have a very significant team working on phobos (I think more than a dozen people have commit rights), so the situation for "grr... phobos really should do *this*, but I can't get phobos changed" can be pretty readily resolved. Github and pull requests have made this incredibly easy. I've looked at some pull requests that were dead simple, verified it in a matter of minutes, and click one button to pull it. Even when I have no experience in the related modules. Brad Roberts (and I think Daniel Murphy?) have set up an awesome testing system that automatically verifies pull requests on all the supported platforms using the latest from git. See here:


The chances of your pull request being validated and pulled -- if it makes a good improvement to phobos -- are much much higher than they used to be.


Whoa! that auto-tester is pretty sharp!

I've actually been wondering about this. I recently ran into a bug in Phobos, quickly tacked that there was an issue for it, made an easy fix, submitted a pull request and commented on the bug. All tests in the above page are coming out green, so I guess I've got that going for it.


Is there some additional communication channel I need to notify for someone to have a look at it and at least comment on any errors/mistakes? Or am I pretty much stuck to wait for whoever is in charge of that module to run into it?

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