There's a current pull request to improve di file generation (; I'd like to suggest further ideas. As far as I understand, di interface files try to achieve these conflicting goals:

1) speed up compilation by avoiding having to reparse large files over and over.
2) hide implementation details for proprietary reasons
3) still maintain source code in some form to allow inlining and CTFE
4) be human readable

-Goals 2) and 3) are clearly contradictory, so that calls for a command line switch (eg -hidesource), which should be off by default, which when set will indeed remove any implementation details (where possible, ie for non-template and non-auto-return functions) but as a counterpart also prevent any chance for inlining/CTFE for the corresponding exported API. That choice will be left to the user.

-Regarding point 1), it won't be untypical to have a D interface file to be almost as large (and slow to parse) as the original source file, even with the upcoming di file improvements (dmd/pull/945), as D encourages the use of templates/auto-return throughout (a large part of phobos would be left quasi-unchanged). In fact, the fast compile time of D _does_ suffer when there are heavy use of templates, or scaling up.

So to make interface files really useful in terms of speeding up compilation, why not directly store the AST (could be text-based like JSON but preferably a portable binary format for speed, call it ".dib" file), with possibly some amount of analysis (eg: version(windows) could be pre-handled). This would be analoguous to precompiled header files (, which don't exist in D AFAIK. This could be done by extending the currently incomplete json file generation by dmd, to include AST of implementation of each function we want to export such as templates or stuff to inline). During compilation of a module, "import myfun;" would look for 1) myfun.dib (binary or json precompiled interface file), 2) myfun.di (if still needed), 3) myfun.d.

We could even go a step further, borrowing some ideas from the "framework" feature found in OSX to distribute components: a single D framework would combine the AST (~ precompiled .dib headers) of a set of D modules and a set of libraries.
The user would then use a framework as follows:

    dmd -L-framework mylib -L-Lpath/to/mylib main.d

or simply:

    dmd main.d

if main.d contains pragma(framework,"mylib") and framework mylib is in the search path

As in OSX's frameworks, framework mylib is used both during compilation (resolving import statements in main.d) and linking. Upon encountering an "import myfun;" declaration, the compiler would search the linked in frameworks for a symbol or file representing the corresponding AST of module myfun, and if not found, use the default import mechanism. That will both speed up compilation times and make distribution of libraries and versioning a breeze: single framework to download and to link against (this is different from what rdmd does). On OSX, frameworks appear as a single file in Finder but are actually directories; here we could have either a single file or a directory as well.

Finally, regarding point 4), a simple command line switch (eg dmd --pretty-print myfun.di) will pretty-print to stdout the AST, and omit the implementation of templates and auto functions for brevity, so they appear as simple di files (but some options could filter out AST nodes for IDE use, etc).

Thanks for your comments!

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