On Tuesday, 12 June 2012 at 11:09:04 UTC, Don Clugston wrote:
On 12/06/12 11:07, timotheecour wrote:
There's a current pull request to improve di file generation
(https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/945); I'd like to
suggest further ideas.
As far as I understand, di interface files try to achieve these
conflicting goals:

1) speed up compilation by avoiding having to reparse large files over
and over.
2) hide implementation details for proprietary reasons
> 3) still maintain source code in some form to allow inlining
and CTFE
> 4) be human readable

Is that actually true? My recollection is that the original motivation was only goal (2), but I was fairly new to D at the time (2005).

Here's the original post where it was implemented:
and it got partially merged into DMD 0.141 (Dec 4 2005), first usable in DMD0.142

Personally I believe that.di files are *totally* the wrong approach for goal (1). I don't think goal (1) and (2) have anything in common at all with each other, except that C tried to achieve both of them using header files. It's an OK solution for (1) in C, it's a failure in C++, and a complete failure in D.

IMHO: If we want goal (1), we should try to achieve goal (1), and stop pretending its in any way related to goal (2).

I absolutely agree with the above and would also add that goal (4) is an anti-feature. In order to get a human readable version of the API the programmer should use *documentation*. D claims that one of its goals is to make it a breeze to provide documentation by bundling a standard tool - DDoc. There's no need to duplicate this just to provide another format when DDoc itself supposed to be format agnostic.

This is a solved problem since the 80's (E.g. Pascal units). Per Adam's post, the issue is tied to DMD's use of OMF/optlink which we all would like to get rid of anyway. Once we're in proper COFF land, couldn't we just store the required metadata (binary AST?) in special sections in the object files themselves?

Another related question - AFAIK the LLVM folks did/are doing work to make their implementation less platform-depended. Could we leverage this in ldc to store LLVM bit code as D libs which still retain enough info for the compiler to replace header files?

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