On 17/06/12 00:37, Walter Bright wrote:
On 6/14/2012 1:03 AM, Don Clugston wrote:
It is for debug builds.
Iain's data indicates that it's only a few % of the time taken on
Do you have data that shows otherwise?

Nothing recent, it's mostly from my C++ compiler testing.

But you argued in your blog that C++ parsing is inherently slow, and you've fixed those problems in the design of D.
And as far as I can tell, you were extremely successful!
Parsing in D is very, very fast.

Yes, it is designed so you could just import a symbol table. It is done
as source code, however, because it's trivial to implement.

It has those nasty side-effects listed under (3) though.

I don't think they're nasty or are side effects.

They are new problems which people ask for solutions for. And they are far more difficult to solve than the original problem.

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