Am Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:31:31 +0900
schrieb Geoffrey Biggs <>:

> Personally, I think that if I need to care about the data size/maximum
> range of a value, I should be using a fixed-size data type rather than
> specifying it in the value. The language typically supports me in
> doing so without the need for prefixes except on rare occasions.
> Geoff

Please! This is a different story. You talk about declaring best fit data 
types, something that Delphi has a good go on for integral types (numbers and 
enums): type TPercentValue : 0 .. 100; // cannot assign a value outside that 

Just for the sake of clarification, the suffixes are there to disambiguate, 
since D - a little simplified - tries 32-bit types before 64-bit types and 
signed types before unsigned types; with no way to make a literal 8-bit or 
16-bit for 'auto', function/method overloading or array type inference.


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