On Friday, July 13, 2012 15:24:03 bearophile wrote:
> Jonathan M Davis:
> > I think that we'll need to switch to a model like that
> > eventually,
> When D1 bugfixes stop?

I don't see what the state of D1 has to do with anything other than the fact 
that the closest that D has ever had to this sort of model is the fact that D1 
was split off specifically so that those using it could continue to use it 
rather than having everything broken when const was introduced.

I would think that if/when we switch is likely to be highly tied to when 
things stabilize much better and we don't even have to discuss things like 
removing 4 major functions from Object. We're passed the point where D is 
unstable enough that we're constantly reworking how things without need, and 
the target feature set is essentially frozen, but we still make major changes 
once in while in order to make the language work as-designed. The proposed 
model works much better when what you have already is fully stable, and you 
want to make it so that new stuff can be introduced in a clean and stable 
manner, and we're still having to make large changes at least once in while in 
order to make stuff that we already have work properly.

- Jonathan M Davis

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