On 13/07/2012 18:58, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
So, in general, when stuff breaks, it's on accident or because how things
worked before was broken, and some code accidentally relied on the buggy
behavior. Even removing opEquals, opCmp, toHash, and toString will be done in
a way which minimizes (if not completely avoids) immediate breakage. People
will need to change their code to work with the new scheme, but they won't
have to do so immediately, because we'll find a way to introduce the changes
such that they're phased in rather than immediately breaking everything.

Yeah, I know that. We don't change stuff just to change them, but because something is broken.

But come on, we are comparing with PHP here ! PHP is so much broken that it is even hard to figure out what is done correctly to make it successful.

I'll tell you what, it is successful because you know you'll be able to run you piece of crappy code on top of an half broken VM next year without problems.

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