On 2012-07-20 00:05, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

No, this is why any C/C++ project should be replaced by D ;)

I'm knee-deep in a C++ project right now, and the language is such a
pedantic, anachronistic turd. C++'s *only* saving graces are:

- It's a systems language (ie, native compiled with low-level access).
- It isn't PHP, JS, a JS-derivitive (ex, ActionScript), or Son-Of-Flash
   (aka Corona).
- D isn't mature on all platforms yet.

I used Boost, for a C++ project I was working on, to make it more D-like. Foreach, auto, lambda, default initialization and other things. Most of these things are available in C++11 now.

/Jacob Carlborg

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