Am Thu, 19 Jul 2012 22:43:17 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg <>:

> On 2012-07-19 16:50, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
> In C++ it's even better (irony). It depends on what kind of variable is 
> declared. I.e. a global variable, a local, instance or a class variable 
> (static). Some of these are default initialized, some are not. I have no 
> idea which are initialized and which are not.

I think C++ uses a pragmatic approach: No overhead for explicit initialization. 
But everything that goes into the executable and doesn't have a specific value, 
will go into the BSS section, where it A) takes up no space and B) the OS will 
take care of zero initializing it _anyways_.

If it is stored in the .exe, it is 0!


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