On 2012-08-02 22:51, Christophe Travert wrote:
Jacob Carlborg , dans le message (digitalmars.D:174069), a écrit :
On 2012-08-02 10:15, Walter Bright wrote:

Worst case use an adapter range.

And that is better than a plain string?

because its front method does not do any decoding.

If it was a plain string you wouldn't use "front". You would handle any, possible, decoding by yourself, internally in the lexer. This is what Johnathan already does, it seems:

static if(isNarrowString!R)
    Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!R) first = range[0];
    dchar first = range.front;

If you're only supporting plain UTF-8 strings you would just do:

char first = range[0];

/Jacob Carlborg

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