Adam D. Ruppe:

You could just version it:

void main() {}

That's not good enough.

What I as talking about is: when the D compilers know a module is
the main module, it defines a _standard_ version boolean flag,
named like "is_main_module" as true. And it gives a compiler
error if it can't find a main. Otherwise "is_main_module" is

It's meant to be used as:

module modulea;
int foo() { return 0; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
     import std.stdio;

module moduleb;
import modulea;
int bar() { return 1; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
     import std.stdio;

When you compile modulea, defines its is_main_module as true, it
runs its unittests (if you have used -unittest), and its main,
that is a demo for the A module.

If you compile the moduleb (with rdmd or something), it knows
moduleb has to contain the main, it defines is_main_module=true
in moduleb and defines is_main_module=false for modulea. So it
compiles the main of moduleb and ignores the main of modulea. So
it runs the demo code for moduleb only.

Using a non-standard user-defined version as you suggest misses
all this, and it's not good enough. Standardization and
automation is important here.


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