Rick Scott wrote:
Remember what happen to the 220Mhz band?
When all the money showed up on the other side.

Which is why Ive advocated going back to a Fee system
on the Amateur Licences.

I know a lot of people want everything for free, but
sometimes things Cost and this should be one of them.

I wouldnt mind paying for the privilage of having my
Ham Licence.

Scotty N7HJ


I advocate going even further than return to a Ham license for a fee.  A fee of 100$us would be very reasonable for a ten year license term.

Most Hams are happily operating without the $ fee, but how many would remain if the FCC required that upon application for renewal of  license, the applicant must sit for a written exam?  By imposing a written exam each ten years would be a move toward keeping abreast of the rules and regulations, the changes in technology, and safety requirements.

73, de ~ Vince ~
WA2RSX  Stuck on IOTA NA-026


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