

There are so many interests here that I couldn't hope to understand all the different issues – but I thought I might throw in a couple of comments to show my ignorance and maybe get put straight (kindly please).


  • QRM is a fact of life. When it is the cause of propagation changes, poor operating practice or other acts of Mother Nature (I'm defining human nature as a subset of that), then it's something we must learn to work with and no regulations are going to help with that.


  • If a station is automated and cannot detect a QSO in progress, then it should be restricted to a sub band where the impact will be minimized.


  • What is to stop someone from intentionally initiating a QSO where an automated station has been set up and thereby preventing the automated station from operating properly? Unfortunately, this doesn't seem so far fetched to me. Maybe a sub band that where automated stations are restricted to should only permit automated operations?


  • The one thing that I see is strange about our current rules is that we are governed by content. It is currently illegal for me to use MFSK to transfer pictures (say down around 7073), yet it takes up the same bandwidth as MFSK transferring text. For me, this is what I see as the benefit of allocation by bandwidth. The removal of senseless restrictions.


  • Gentlemen's agreements are basically ineffective. It requires everyone to be a lady or gentleman which is never the case. It only takes a one or two. New modes that come along generally invalidate old agreements when they try to find space to congregate.


I think this discussion would go a lot further if we at first concentrate on and discuss our basic goals before trying to hash out the merits of rules. At that point we may realize more easily why we each support different proposals.


Not being a big contester or experimenter, my goal is to get on the air and ragchew in the mode I choose. To do this effectively, it helps to know where people using that mode congregate. I'm able to do that with the current regulations. I just want to operate.


So the only changes that I see are needed are:

1)       don't restrict the content of my conversation

2)       provide a safe haven for automated operations that provides them protection from QRM while eliminating the QRM that they cause


What would happen if the only proposal in front of the FCC was to remove restrictions on content, find a sub band for automated operation and all else remain the same? For my purposes, this is a proposal I could understand and support.



Kevin – K4VD


Kevin der Kinderen



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