
You are grossly misinformed. The Winlink stations on the frequecies you list are Winlink 2000 stations handling e mail messages.
NTSD operates almost exclusively in the small automatic control band segments.


John Bradley wrote:
I would like to point out that Dave Struebel and the Winlink Group are responsible for most of the QRM we enjoy on HF from unattended Winlink
stations, especially around 14105 to 14110.
If Winlink, rather than spreading themselves out all over the band, were to confine their operations to a narrower segment, ie 14072 to 14080, and below
14105, leaving the OLIVIA and other similar modes some operating room, then it might be worthwhile getting involved with NTSD. This doesn't have to be done by regulation, just a gentlemen's agreement would suffice.
Like many hams, I have a pactor 1 TNC sitting doing nothing, but don't want to make a bad situation worse . Until Winlink cleans up it's act, I don't want to be any part of more QRM
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] NTS and traffic handling and digital

Winlink 2000 has solutions to many of the requirements that you list. However in all cases until the computer calls
and delivers the message with an automated voice it still requires trained operator at the delivery end.
There is an active NTS digital network but lacking in stations willing to either draw the traffic off manaully or pass it on to other means of delivery.
If anyone is interested in joining NTSD either as a digital HF station or as a keyboarder to remove traffic drop me an email
and I can point you in the right direction.

Dave Struebel WB2FTX Eastern Area Digital Cordinator- NTSD

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector :
DigiPol:  (band plan policy discussion)


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