Hello, Rick.........

You couldn't be more correct.  This was especially true with the
advent of PSK.  PACTOR I went "BYE-BYE" in short order.  I did
find that even with the addition of the faster PSK speeds, that
most everyone remains with Vanilla PSK31.  Apparently, most Hams
can't type worth a hoot and can't keep up with, let's say, PSK63,
even with a type-ahead buffer and canned shortcut texts.

RTTY is ancient also.  It can be pretty crummy under poor
conditions when  compared to the new modes now offered. 
It's also painful to sit and watch someone struggle with a
"hunt 'n peck" ability.  YAWWWWWWWN......

That said, I use MultiPSK and Ham Radio Deluxe as well as my
still-working AEA PK232MBX with upgrades.  Still can't drop
RTTY for some reason - guess it's still fun to use, as is the
PACTOR I mode.  I'm still making contacts with PACTOR I BTW;
other AEA units.

I guess it sort of goes along with my Drake "B" Twins and the
Collins KWM-2A.  Ancient room warmers but bloody fun to work
as is my ICOM IC-746.

Digital comms for the hobby continue to give birth to a never -
ending offering of new modes/variations.  There's so much now
you pretty well need a program to identify one or another.

Seems to me that the SCS units aren't Ham focused, as far as I
can tell.  They're plugged into WL2K but I can't recall seeing
any used keyboard - keyboard in daily Ham ops as you've pointed

So, it seems to me that PACTOR II or III really has no affect
on my PACTOR I ops here despite their ability for backward
compatibility since they're not used for Keyboard chat. Neither
will MFSK, PAX2, PSK63, Dominoex, Olivia, etc etc.

Regards, and thanks for the interesting read.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

Rick, KV9U Wrote:


Pactor, being the general term for three specific sub modes, can mean
any of the three or it can mean Pactor 1.

Since Pactor uses a backward compatible calling technique, if you don't have the new modes, the P2 and P3 units would normally default to the Pactor 1 level.

/ / / / / / / / S N I P

It would be surprised if many would use Pactor anymore for conversational use as we did years ago (and Amtor too)
because the keyboard modes are reasonably fast for many
typing speeds and are often more robust than the pactor
modes when conditions get difficult.

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)

Ham radio Craft hobby Hobby and craft supply


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