Hi to all on the Group!

Just like Kevin put it!
I've tried mty way aound several distros of linux, and stumbled on the same
installation, libraries and the rest.
For the moment I have SuSe 10 installed on another disk of my main computer
it works allright,
network and dsl setup was a breeze. Ham software not (yet) installed because
of the above issues,
but on the second half of December i'll be on vacation and give it (another)


On 11/29/06, Kevin O'Rorke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JOHN said
> I have this mental picture of linux users hunched over their
> computers, eyes red and glazed , looking for WMD  (What Microsoft
> Did), toiling for hours to make unsupported software run.
> Sorry Guys, I'm with Bill Gates, he developed an operating system that
> mostly works, and let's me get on with chasing DX instead
> of trying to make it work. If he happened to be very rich doing this,
> good on him!!!
> John

I am one of those interested in Linux , and have reached the stage where
I know my way around it fairly well, I have experimented with a variety
of distro's,.and they are mostly a superb replacement for Win in the
ordinary Home or Office environment, BUT the biggest problem with Linux
for the ham or experimenter is the installation of programs.
You download a program, and attempt to install it. You get a message
that you need such and such a thing (library or whatever). You go on the
Internet, download that, go to install that, get another message " you
need x", you get "x", go to install it and get a message "you need
version y of x", you attempt to find version "y" and cant find it.
At this stage you give up, have three triple brandy's, and fire up
I know some geeks out there will say "get a pre-compiled version". You
cannot find one for your distro, or not one at all.
Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John
says is, unfortunately true.

PS. I am aware of Harvs Hamshack Hack, and have it.

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Salomão Fresco

If it works... dont fix it!

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