If PSK is successfully using 3580 to 3584, then perhaps it should 
stay there. It would be natural for RTTY and the other digital modes 
to operate between 3584 and 3600.

We should respect the 3560 QRP calling frequency.


       Dave, AA6YQ



--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Skip Teller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "> Skip KH6TY wrote:
>   > If someone is going to propose a "bandplan" then it might be 
>   > a good idea to first educate oneself as to the current usage 
>   > and limitations, since that IS important! 
>   Hopefully you will research the situation, educate yourself, and 
>   back to us at some point with a suggestion.
>   Bonnie KQ6XA"
> My suggestion is definitely not to follow your suggestion! Just 
leave PSK31 activity where it is now! 3525-3600 is open for CW, Data, 
and RTTY by FCC R&O for all license classes, and there is no reason 
for PSK31 on 3580-3583 to move,  nor for W1AW CW code practice on 
3581.5 to move, just because you say it should. 
> As I suggested, you need to educate yourself and understand the 
architecture of the Warbler transceiver. You can do this by going to 
www.smallwonderlabs.com and clicking on the PSK31 button and then the 
Warbler picture, or Google for PSK-80 Warbler and look at the 
schematic. The PSK-80 Warbler is a very inexpensive, unique, very 
popular, design that uses 5 colorburst crystals for all filtering and 
the only other available choice is to use 3686.4 microprocessor 
crystals which would put it in the new phone segment. In other words, 
it is not practical to "re-crystal" the Warblers, as it would take 
over $60 of custom crystals, which cost more then the entire $50 
Warbler. The Warbler is affordable at $50, but not at $100.
> It has been years since Novices have been "rockbound", so that 
argument has no merit, does it?
> If you want people to take your bandplan suggestions seriously, you 
might want to do your homework and accomodate current operating 
practices a lot better...
> 73, Skip

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