I agree that the regulations of which emission types can appear where
and at what baud rates has outlived its usefulness and needs to go.

As to all the intricacies and arcana, and why the FCC has gotten so much
of it so very wrong, I think that many forum members may be missing the
larger message: The FCC just doesn't care that much about amateur radio
any more.

While I have no inside knowledge, I'd say it's very likely that the FCC
believe they have more important (and revenue producing) issues to deal
with than amateur radio. It seems like maintaining these regulations is
just a nuisance to them.

Given the technological advancement in just the past ten years, I'd say
it's time for a major overhaul of Part 97.  Get it narrowed-down to
something that makes sense to reasonable folks and that can be
administered by bureaucrats with divided attention.

Of course, getting the FCC to DO that given their apparent lack of
interest would be quite a chore.

Sorry for hijacking the thread yet further.  But seeing how the FCC's
acted over the past couple of years really makes it clear to me that
amateur radio isn't really on their list of important items.

Peter K1PGV

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