So, we are to gather from this that the FCC is saying to
everyone -- go out and do whatever you want and unless
"someone" complains we don't care?

That is contrary to the nature of bureaucracy and

Bureaucrats are focused on avoidance of conflict and
expansion of power.

Only so long as they believe the ARRL can make more
of a nuisance of themselves than other Ham groups or
individual Hams they will ignore the bad conduct of
the ARRL.

The question goes to who and how many need to complain
to the FCC about the ARRL to force the FCC to slap the
hands of the ARRL.

The FCC cares about being respected so they are not
harassed.  The ARRL has been making themselves increasingly
dislikable at the FCC, their latest attacks on the FCC
Chairman a case in point.

There is likely to be more rather than less of a friendly
ear at the FCC right now to slap down the ARRL than in a
long time.

Oh, BTW, given the elected officials, celebrities, and
astronauts who are licensed Hams - combined with all of
the good press re. the value of Hams in disasters - it
would not take much to make the FCC bureaucrats very
uncomfortable were they to attack Ham radio in general.

> Only from the League's lawyer, silly.  That's as good as it gets.
> Anyway, does anyone really want a response directly from the FCC, 
> for Cat's sake?!
>> Attached is the response we got from the FCC via the ARRL: 
>> In effect, it states as long as nobody complains, we (the FCC) 
>> don't really care what you do!


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
... in sunny & warm Florida  :-)
Thank our brave soldiers this season:
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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